Sunday, April 10, 2011

Charlevoix for the summer

Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District Marketing/Public Relations Internship Opportunity
•    To provide participating students with a meaningful experience that is complementary to and compatible with their areas of specialization and with their long-term goals.
•    To enable students to associate with practicing professionals in the environment of marketing/school operations.
•    To provide opportunities for contributions to the operations of a school marketing/communications system through student performance and project development.
•    Internal and external communications (newsletters, press releases) •    With assistance of supervisor, will work with media •    Website and social media maintenance •    Assist in planning and organizing events
•    Photography duties •    Project management including meeting with clients, brochure/other
writing, working with graphic designer, bidding projects, etc.
•    Successful candidate will work under the supervision of the Director of Communication Services for Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District
•    Must be a successful self-starter •    Beneficial to have family ties in area for housing (Charlevoix and/or
Emmet counties) •    TBD tuition reimbursement and/or limited salary •    LOTS of experience opportunities! Countless portfolio materials! •    Assistance available in finding additional employment •    Summer and fall internships available
To apply or for more information, contact
Dianne Litzenburger, Director of Communication Services Char-Em ISD 08568 Mercer Blvd. Charlevoix, MI 49720
Char-Em ISD internship description 2011
Your Regional Educational Service Agency
231.547.9947 p    231.547.5621 f 08658 Mercer Boulevard    Charlevoix, Michigan 49720

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