Title: ASMSU
Director of Communications and Event
Compensation: $6,336
($2,112 each Summer, Fall, and Spring semester)
Term of Office:
One year beginning the first day of summer semester and ending the last day of
spring semester
Office Hours: 16
per week during Summer, Fall and Spring semesters. In
the Student Services Building or in another location necessary to carry out the
goals and objectives of ASMSU as deemed appropriate by the supervisors.
Supervised by: Chief
of Staff
Supervise: Assistant Director of
Marketing , Assistant Director of Graphic Design, Assistant Director of
Outreach and Distribution Event Planning Intern,
Carries out the goals and
assignments initiated by the General Assembly as directed by Chief of Staff
Responsible for arranging
concerts, speeches, debates and other public events on MSU’s campus and
community as directed by the Student Assembly
Researches availability of
venues, persons, costs and other arrangements necessary for event production
Develops and maintains
relationships in order to facilitate programming
Attends and reports during the biweekly General Meetings as requested
Engages in various external
initiatives to support public awareness, interest and participation in ASMSU
Collaborates with other ASMSU
departments and outside entities as necessary to execute events and promote
Gives and facilitates
presentations about ASMSU to campus and community groups
Develops and maintains a
relationship with appropriate promotional companies and consult with the
various departments holding events
Attends and reports during the Assembly meetings as requested
Engages in various external
initiatives to support public awareness and participation in ASMSU at the
grassroots level
Creates/executes a strategic
marketing plan in conjunction with all ASMSU departments
Reports to and is under the
immediate supervision of the Chief of Staff
Holds regularly scheduled
meetings with Department and one-on-ones with each member
Charged with developing a monthly
Coordinates content
management updates for website
Consults with ASMSU
boards/councils as requested
Regularly updates and
maintains the ASMSU website
Maintain, conduct and perform
job responsibilities within guidelines and requirements of ASMSU
Excellent oral and written
communication skills
Have ability to exercise tact
and discretion in relationships with others
Ability to exhibit behavior
and conduct reflecting the mission of ASMSU
Excellent planning and
organizational skills
High level of interpersonal
skills to work effectively with others
Diplomatic and objective
decision making abilities
Must possess team orientated
Updated 12/05/2011
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