Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Motion Marketing & Media

Looking for someone interested in photography. Who would be able to take photos of local events for our magazine as well as help out with other activities relative to the Capital Area Women's Lifestyle magazine.

Contact Joni Rainbolt
Motion Marketing & Media
p: 517 203-3333

HKO Media

Looking for someone to assist us in all phases of video production, for the first time we’re especially interested in finding someone with an interest and experience in research, social media, and marketing.
Although the position is unpaid at this time college credit is available as is invaluable contact with real world production and multi-media storytelling professionals. And for the right person, it could, in time, lead to a paid position at HKO. The position is open immediately. Candidates can e-mail resumes to me at harveyo@hkomedia.com.


Entrepreneurial Internship Position

Position Title: Marketing Intern

Company Name: XG Sciences, Inc.

Date of Request: Dec. 3, 2009

Intern Manager: M. Knox

Company Description: XG Sciences makes a new type of nanoparticle, made from carbon, that has a diverse set of potential applications in composites, batteries, and electronic applications.

Position Description: The Marketing Intern will lead a project to implement a sales development and customer management system designed to increase sales and build proactive customer development relationships. Will also assist in development of marketing materials and programs.

Desired Qualifications: Knowledge of basic marketing and sales management principles would be useful, as well as the ability to work with computerized software systems. Ability to understand applications would be important, so a background in science, chemistry, or chemical engineering would be very useful.

Internship Results: The successful intern will experience immersion in a real-life business development situation in a high-tech, market leading technology business. Exposure to strategic planning, market differentiation, sales management, and customer management processes will result in learning that should translate into many other business situations.

Position Details: Flexible hours to accommodate class schedules, approximately 10 – 15 hours per week desired.

Salary: $10 per hour.
Date Internship will Start: Flexible – mid-to-late January, 2010
Length of Internship (in weeks): 10 – 12 weeks

Contact: Mike Knox, CEO, XG Sciences, 517-203-1110, www.xgsciences.com, m.knox@xgsciences.com

Entrepreneurial Internship PositionPosition Title: Business/Marketing Intern Company Name: BioPhotonic Solutions Inc. Date of Request: 12/3/09 In

Position Title: Business/Marketing Intern

Company Name: BioPhotonic Solutions Inc.

Date of Request: 12/3/09

Intern Manager: Dr. Marcos Dantus

Company Description: Emerging local company focused on sales and manufacturing of high-tech laser equipment for the research and development market. See our web page for additional details.

Position Description: Student will help to develop the BioPhotonic Solutions brand. We advertise in various media (magazines, trade shows, online).

Desired Qualifications: We would like someone creative, interested in high-tech instruments. Marketing efforts will involve e-commerce expertise, preparation of graphic documents including advertisement. The student will ideally be self motivated.

Internship Results: The student will learn about entrepreneurship first hand. The student will learn the key elements required for a startup business and will experience the excitement when milestones are reached.

Position Details: The company operates on a 9AM-5PM schedule. The position may be full or part time. The student will need reliable transportation as we do business at our headquarters in East Lansing as well as at Michigan State University.

Salary: Commensurate with expertise, 10-15/hr.

Date Internship will Start: January 11th, 2010

Length of Internship (in weeks): 16 weeks (1/11/10 – 4/30/10)

Dr. Marcos Dantus
1401 East Lansing Dr. Ste. 112
East Lansing, MI 48823
(517) 881 4562

Rex Anderson P.C.

Law Firm seeks student to develop and monitor advertising/marketing plan. Create advertising for Internet/web, newspapers and other options. Students may contact us directly by emailing their information to info@rexandersonpc.com
Rex Anderson, PC