Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Want Curator Internship

Want (www.wanttt.com) is a highly social and interactive site that connects people with the products they have an affinity towards.  Whether it’s keeping track of the products they want to buy or receiving personalized product recommendations from the people they find interesting - Want is designed to use an individual’s specific tastes to build the ultimate consumer experience. 

Please visit http://www.wanttt.com/w/learn_more/ to learn more about Want and all of the features associated with the site. 

One of the many features of Want is channels. Want is looking for interns to create unique and creative channels that our user will find compelling and interesting. 

Channels are user created and curated streams of products that are centered around a specific topic. Channel topics can be anything from apparel worn by Kayne West to different types of Monopoly boards. Each channel has a group of individuals who are considered authorities on the topics of their respective channels. As a Want user you have the ability to benefit from the tastemaking ability of others by finding, following, and contributing to your favorite channels as well as demonstrating your own tastemaking ability by creating channels on topics that are meaningful to you.

Specifically, the intern will be:

·       Determining  channel themes
·       Searching ecommerce sites for interesting products related to the channel theme
·       Adding unique and interesting products to the channel
·       Interns will be expected to add 4 channels per week and add an appropriate number of relevant products to each channel. 

In addition to creating and curating a set of channels each intern will build a personal collection of products that may be promoted via their personal web site or blog via the Want “badge”. 

Every other week the interns will come into the Corporate Office in Farmington Hills for a roundtable discussion.  These discussions will include:

·       Reviewing the most interesting channels and products curated over the past two weeks
·       Overview of the Want business and changes that have taken place over the past two weeks
·       Each meeting a different member of the Want team will discuss their background and their role within the company
·       There will be an HR focused session which will include a resume critique and discussion about interviewing

Interested candidates should send their resume to Gianna Ferrarotti at gferrarotti@camelotvg.com by Wednesday, October 26, 2011. 

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