Wednesday, October 13, 2010


MSUFCU has an opening for a student intern for their Financial 4.0 website. We'll select 1 MSU student to represent the credit union online via blog posts, Flickr photos, YouTube videos, and more. You'll work with credit union employees on marketing & financial education efforts on campus and online...and receive college credit at the same time (based on your degree granting program's criteria)!

During the length of your internship, you will receive:
- a Macbook
- a digital video recorder
- a digital camera
- a bi-weekly paycheck...that's right, it's a paid internship!
(all returned at the completion of your internship)

What we're expecting from you, the applicant, is a fresh look at campus life. How do you make the most of college living while on a limited budget? Do you have your mind set to leave college with no debt? Have you worked out a plan to deal with the amount of debt you have acculumated? Show us your personality and unique (financial) point of view!

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