Thursday, September 08, 2011

Greater Lansing Housing Coalition

"Here is a great  internship opportunity to work for an organization that is making life better for a great many mid-Michigan families and children -- The Greater Lansing Housing Coalition. The office is in Lansing. The work will involve on-site production of brochures and other promotional material -- including some on-line work.  The executive will also appreciate general public relations and social marketing counseling.  This is a serious organization with a great opportunity for an individual to earn real world experience that could be great for resume building, besides being a chance to make a real difference in peoples' lives.  A small stipend ($250.00 ) will be provided by the client.  This internship can also be used for credit.  Interested parties should email a resume and a brief statement indicating why you would like to help to Katherine Draper ASAP --".

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