Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Associated Students of Michigan State University (ASMSU) is currently accepting applications for our Communications & Event Planning Dept. These positions give students hands on experience with all aspects of social media, design, marketing and advertising. Students in these positions are given the responsibility of creating and executing strategic marketing plans with all ASMSU departments as well as developing and maintaining a relationship with appropriate media to facilitate information exchange between all of ASMSU to campus and community groups. These are a compensated positions where you can set your own hours around your class schedules, and our offices are conveniently located on campus in the Student Services Building! You will be given great opportunities to build relationships with professionals and gain valuable IT related experience. Employment term begins Summer 2012 and lasts until the end of the Spring 2013 semester. The job descriptions of the positions available are attached. If you have any questions or would like to apply please email your resumes to: hr@asmsu.msu.edu. You may also submit your resume for the position on MySpartanCareer.com.

Title: ASMSU Assistant Director of Constituent Outreach
Compensation: $4,320 annually ($1,440 each Summer, Fall and Spring semester)
Term of Office: One year beginning the first day of summer semester and ending the last day of spring semester
Office Hours: 12 per week during the Summer, Fall, and Spring semesters. In the Student Services Building or in another location necessary to carry out the goals and objectives of ASMSU as deemed appropriate by the supervisors.
Supervised by: Director of Communications and Event Planning


Assists Director of Communication in administrative tasks as necessary

Assists in developing and  maintaining relationships with ASMSU constituents and community groups in order to facilitate information exchange

Assists with giving and facilitating presentations about ASMSU to campus and community groups

Attends meetings with ASMSU subgroups such as Programming Board, Funding Board, Freshmen Class Council and Senior Class Council among others as directed by Director of Communications and Event Planning

Conducts primary and secondary research and analysis to understand constituents attitudes towards ASMSU

Develops strategy in conjunction with the Director of Communications and Event Planning for  promotion and outreach to ASMSU constituents

Engages in various external initiatives to support public awareness and participation in ASMSU at the grass-roots level

Creates and conducts surveys of undergraduate students on a wide range of issues and in conjunction with other ASMSU departments

Primarly responsible for the collection of feedback from surveys which is an ongoing year long project

Assists in the creation of a strategic marketing plan

Assists in event planning as it relates to outreach initiatives

All other matters delegated by the Director of Communications and Event  Planning and the ASMSU Chief of Staff


Excellent oral and written communication skills

Ability to comprehend and understand the structure and function of ASMSU

Ability to exhibit behavior and conduct reflecting the mission of ASMSU

Knowledge and understanding of marketing techniques and grass-roots organizing skills

Evaluation and analytical skills to interpret qualitative and quantitative data

Knowledge of  Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint

Knowledge of the Microsoft Access is a plus

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